Thursday, November 15, 2012

MMMMM butter!!

Do you love butter?  How about fresh butter from a cow..?  Well if you do..have I got something for you and you may have the ingredients right in your fridge and pantry!!  With everyone all buzzing about baking this time of the year this butter is good on everything..yum!

My great aunt Nellie Pearl Chadwell Jones  made zucchini and sourdough bread  (I'm sure among others)..she was a great cook...sadly she passed away this past year (she was 93 WOW) but she left my family with some really great recipes.  We make this many times a year.  So here goes... you are going to need:

2 Sticks of salted butter
1 cup of buttermilk
3/4 cup of Canola or Olive oil

 Put all the ingredients in a bowl and use a mixer until it looks like this...

Now it's ready to put in a little tub and put in your fridge.. Enjoy!! :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Whoa it's been a year...

It's been a year since I blogged.  I can't believe I let it go that long.  I have another blog I made for my grandfather. He was a preacher over 60 years and part of his ministry was to write up these "papers" they were sermons outlined.  He would give them to anyone that would read them.  He was such a sweet little ol man.   I vowed to put one up everyday but that died hard.  Why is it we have such aspirations for things and then they never come through?    

So.. I am working some new crocheted hats...I have a "Lorax" inspired one and  I am working on a whole set of "Yo Gabba Gabba" inspired earflap hats.  More items were added to my Etsy this year and I'm reading a book my friend gave me three years ago to read...I'm not a reader but I need to be.  Can you tell?

Is this what blogs are about? Musings and whatever is on your mind?  I enjoy my facebook for that reason..short sweet and to the point.   I should post a photo also I suppose...Have a Good

Thursday, June 23, 2011

When life gives you bottled water add true lemon!!

My second blog of the day.. just a thought..let's call a "mini blog" if you will.. True Lemon have you tried it? Well you makes just plain old water a party for your mouth..and you can put it on anything!!! It's great when you are grilling chicken or if you wanna add a little "brightness" of flavor to anything boring sweet or savory..I usually use two packs to a 16.9 oz bottle I like mine a little on the strong side..;) and I have also heard that lemon is a natural diuretic and who couldn't use a little of that!!
You can find True Lemon in your local Walmart they just started offering it..